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645 pm to 820 pm

Social, Learner-Centered, and Culturally Relevant Approaches to 

Digital Workforce Development


For the past 9 years, Dr. Enilda Romero-Hall has focused her research on investigating how the design of learning experiences guides and aids higher ed students.

In this presentation, Enilda will share her research clusters and findings while considering their potential application in corporate settings. These clusters include recent research on online social communities, learner-centered approaches to online learning, and culturally-relevant pedagogy in digital praxis.

As part of the presentation, she will include a “choose your own path” approach in which the audience will guide the content shared considering the topics that are of their interest.

This is an online session

You're welcome to attend online via Zoom. You’ll receive specific instructions via Eventbrite.


Dr. Enilda Romero-Hall is an award-winning scholar and Associate Professor in the Learning, Design, and Technology program at The University of Tennessee Knoxville. She earned her doctorate in Instructional Design and Technology from Old Dominion University.

She serves on the editorial team for the Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online digital guide and as the Awards Chair for the AERA SIG Instructional Technology.

In her research, Dr. Romero-Hall is interested in the design and development of interactive multimedia, faculty and learners’ digital literacy, and networked learning in online social communities. Other research areas include innovative research methodologies; culture, technology, and education; and feminist pedagogies.

To learn more about her research, see

November 17, 2022

Upcoming Events

Monthly Chapter Meetings

Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month in a hybrid format, online and in person concurrently. 

Monthly Chapter Meetings



Building the Collective Agreement

 Weekly Tuesday Planning Virtual Meetings


Helping Deciders Decide

Host: Scott Weersing, ISPI HR Director of Programs

Facilitators: ISPI HR Board of Directors



About this event: Sam Rogers will be presenting. 


We have all this data and a ton of opinions, but…what do our Clients and Stakeholders actually care about? How can we supply them with enough of what they need to move forward, without overwhelming them with information or asking for a little more trust than they care to grant us? Is it right to assume our interests & motivations overlap with the other people determining the success or failure of our performance improvement? In this session, Sam Rogers will share his approach to assessing desired outcomes and baking in surprise stakeholder delights as a way of getting just enough of what’s needed to decide on anything. Together in this interactive webinar, we’ll surface strategies for practical approaches to helping determine what motivates The Most Important People in our project to make their best choice between testing, launching, continuing, or canceling any given program or performance intervention.

Sam Rogers is a frequent speaker and facilitator at Learning & Development events, and has delivered hundreds of interactive webinars and engaging livestreams for fellow L&D Professionals. Through his company Snap Synapse, he served as a Video eLearning Expert, Performance Consultant, Sr. Instructional Designer, LMS Integrations Specialist, and Learning Strategist for clients such as such as Google, Deloitte, Robert Half International, ADP, and AAA. Now he is the Global Learning Technologies & Analytics Manager for ConvaTec, and happy to be presenting to an ISPI audience for the first time.

6:50 pm Virtual Doors Open

7:00 - 8:15 pm Virtual Discussion


How a Negative ROI Engaged Business Leaders

Host: Scott Weersing, ISPI HR Director of Programs

Facilitators: ISPI HR Board of Directors



About this event: Kaycee Buckley will be presenting. 


Core Diagnostics at Abbott invested heavily in developing and deploying a coaching program for leaders. To determine the impact of the program, Kaycee Buckley and her team gathered data with customized surveys and conducted a complete ROI study. The results provided a “magnifying glass into the program, but unfortunately, the results did not meet expectations.” The ROI results were surprisingly negative. Come hear how Kaycee shared the ROI findings, how she engaged both L&D staff and business leaders, and how decisions that were made based on the results are changing the way the program is deployed and managed today.

Kaycee Buckley has over 20 years of experience in the learning & development industry. She is the Global Commercial Sr Training Manager for Abbott Diagnostics, accountable for identifying competencies through measuring business impact supporting over 2,000 employees to institutionalize organizational initiatives. Kaycee is a Certified ROI Professional (CRP).

She was awarded the 2018 and 2020 Abbott Diagnostic’s President’s Awards for demonstrating extraordinary innovation and commitment by developing and delivering training programs that are enabling the Core Diagnostics global sales organization to improve performance and change behaviors.

6:50 pm Virtual Doors Open

7:00 - 8:15 pm Virtual Discussion




Get It Off Your Mind :
Organizational Changes During the Pandemic

Host: Scott Weersing, ISPI HR Director of Programs

Facilitators: ISPI HR Board of Directors



How has your organization changed in the last year?


Let’s Connect 

We will use this time to check in with:

  • our chapter members, 

  • our frequent visitors, 

  • curious new guests, 

  • & employers 

around the areas we serve (Tidewater, VA | Northern North Carolina | Central Virginia ). We want to know how everyone changed and grew in the past year.

Let’s Chat

We will use this time to discuss:

· How has your organization changed?

· What worked from you in this pandemic?

· What did you try that did NOT work in this pandemic?

· What are you looking forward to in the New Normal?

6:50 pm Virtual Doors Open

7:00 - 8:00 pm Virtual Discussion




The Focus Group Request: Building the Collective Agreement Post COVID-19 Progress

Chairman: Bill Piersol, ISPI HR Director of Community Outreach

Facilitators: Dr. Cynthia Tyler | Dr. O. Annette Davis |Bernd Haase



We are seeking a focus group of 20+ attendees to view a 1.5 hour progress update on The Collective Agreement and offer feedback.  The progress is based on the June 2020 audience's feedback from the Open Discussion.  The progress update presentation portion will be led by ISPI Board Director Bill Piersol and ISPI HR Members: Dr.  O. Annette Davis (Disaster Recovery & Counseling) , Dr. Cynthia Tyler (Academia & Business), & Bernd Haase (President, The Alternative Board | Hampton Road)

How can academia and businesses form a symbiotic relationship to build and recruit next generation improved workforce candidates post COVID-19 and during this era of current events? 

All interested are welcomed! 

6:50 pm Virtual Doors Open

7:00 - 8:30 pm Virtual Discussion


Every Tuesday

Building the Collective Agreement Post COVID-19

Chairman: Bill Piersol, ISPI HR Director of Community Outreach

Facilitators: Dr. Sasha Johnson-Coleman | Dr. O. Annette Davis | Dr. Cynthia Tyler



Members are invited to our planning discussions led by ISPI Board Director Bill Piersol, Dr.  O. Annette Davis (Disaster Recovery & Counseling) , & Dr. Cynthia Tyler (Academia & Business).  

How can academia and businesses form a symbiotic relationship to move our communities forward post COVID-19 and during this era of current events? 

All members are welcomed! 

7:00 - 8:30 pm Virtual Discussion




Building the Collective Agreement Post COVID-19

Facilitators: Dr. Sasha Johnson-Coleman | Dr. O. Annette Davis | Dr. Cynthia Tyler

Host: Bill Piersol, ISPI HR Director of Community Outreach

Contact: Scott Weersing, Director of Programs 




You create the conversation! 

You are invited to our open discussion led by Drs. Sasha Johnson-Coleman (Academic Provost Administration & Linguist) O. Annette Davis (Disaster Recovery & Counseling) , & Cynthia Tyler (Academia & Business).  

How can academia and businesses form a symbiotic relationship to move our communities forward post COVID-19 and during this era of current events? 

Attend this FREE OPEN DISCUSSION hosted by ISPI Hampton Roads Director of Community Outreach Bill Piersol, HR Services, & overseen by our Director of Programs Scott Weersing.  

Stay tuned for registration information! 

All are welcomed! 

7:00 - 8:15 pm Virtual Discussion





Facilitators: Scott Weersing, Director of Programs | Olrica Funderburk, Vice President of Communication | Stephanie Shipman, Past President | Sazara Johnson, Chapter President




Let’s Check-in! 
The board members will use this time to check in with our chapter members, our frequent visitors, curious new guests, & employers around the areas we serve. We want to know how everyone is fairing through this pandemic and the various impacts it is having on your everyday lives.


Let’s Chat! 
We will use this time to discuss:

  • How everyone has adapted to the changes so far both professionally and personally.

  • Current individual performance needs that each member has in the workplace.

  • Current needs that businesses have that we can support.

  • Opportunities for ISPI Hampton Roads (ISPI HR) to offer insight on current performance needs faced by our employers.

We Want to Hear From YOU
As we transition to a season of 100% virtual interaction, what do you think ISPI HR's next 3 major steps should be?

  • Please come prepared to discuss your needs. We would love to hear from you!


We will close out the meeting with a few ISPI HR Board Announcements.

6:50 pm Virtual Doors Open

7:00 - 8:15 pm Virtual Discussion

Event Details
Focus Group Details
Join Building the Collective Agreement

The 2023 ISPI Conference is coming to Williamsburg, VA!! April 23 to 27, 2023

Learn more here


If you would like to help with the conference, let us know by submitting form below. 


HPI is Human Performance Improvement.


Some people recognize the acronym HPT which is Human Performance Technology.


HPT and HPI:


  • are systematic approaches to improving productivity and competence

  • use a set of methods and procedures -- and a strategy for solving problems -- for realizing opportunities related to the performance of people.

More specific, it is a process of selection, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of programs to most cost-effectively influence human behavior and accomplishment.


It is a systematic combination of three fundamental processes: performance analysis, cause analysis, and intervention selection, and can be applied to individuals, small groups, and large organizations.

logo of Hampton Roads ISPI

International Society for

Performance Improvement


Hampton Roads Chapter

How Does HPI / HPT Work?

HPI / HPT uses a wide range of interventions that are drawn from many other disciplines including:

  • behavioral psychology

  • instructional systems design

  • organizational development, and

  • human resources management.

It stresses:

  • a rigorous analysis of present and desired levels of performance

  • identifies the causes for the performance gap

  • offers a wide range of interventions to improve performance

  • guides the change management process, and

  • evaluates the results.

Important Definitions

        Human: the individuals and groups that make up organizations
        Performance: activities and measurable outcomes​

        Technology: a systematic and systemic approach to solve practical problems


10 Standards of HPI / HPT

Human Performance Improvement & Human Performance Technology have been described as the systematic and systemic identification and removal of barriers to individual and organizational performance.


HPI / HPT is governed by a set of underlying principles that serve to differentiate it from other disciplines and to guide practitioners in its use.

​1. HPI / HPT focuses on outcomes.

2. HPT takes a systems view.

​3. HPT adds value. 

​4. HPT establishes partnerships.

​5. Be systematic in the assessment of the need or opportunity. 

​6. Be systematic in the analysis of the work and workplace to identify the cause or factors that limit performance. 

​7. Be systematic in the design of the solution or specification of the requirements of the solution. 

​8. Be systematic in the development of all or some of the solution and its elements. 

​9. Be systematic in the implementation of the solution.

​10. Be systematic in the evaluation of the process and the results. 



Meet the Leadership Team

(Return to the Top of the Page)


Scott Weersing


Marcia Stewart-Downing


Bill Piersol
Director of Outreach

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Liz Wool
Director of Membership

Leadership Tea


Please let us know if your business would like to sponsor ISPI of Hampton Roads


Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in supporting the Hampton Roads Chapter with a sponsorship, please contact us

Sponsorship Opportunities


Please read the bylaws here.  

Contact Us

Feel free to contact any of our Board Members by filling out the form below.

Thanks for submitting!

Join Us

Our meetings are open to all.

Why should you join us?

Picture this... You visit one of your friend's workgroups and notice that the people are sharp--very sharp.  And they seem to be psyched to be doing the work. You spend a few weeks with them and soon learn that they are the right people doing the right things. The work environment seems to have been tailor-made for them: you are amazed at the simplicity of their processes and tools.

You are not surprised when you learn that this unit has been evaluated as the best at what they do.

You ask your friend about it, and she says, "Oh, right.   We adopted a systems approach to human performance a few years ago.  It has made a world of difference.  It is called Human Performance Technology. "

We are about amazing human performance!

Join us as together we explore how we can improve the way our businesses and organizations operate. Each month we meet and discuss  breakthrough approaches to human performance.

We meet at various locations around Hampton Roads. Check out our events schedule for a time and place convenient to you.

Becoming a member.

Becoming a member is easy. If you would like to become a member of the Hampton Roads Chapter of ISPI, we would love to have you.

1.  Download the membership application below.
2.  Complete it and bring it to any gathering.
3.  Give it to any chapter officer.
4.  Pay your annual membership fee: 

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$50 for 1 year professional membership

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$25 for 1 year full-time student membership

© 2022 by ISPI HR.  All rights reserved. Updated on 9.15.22

Mail should be sent to:

ISPI Hampton Roads, 2504 Ferncliff Court, Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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